November 2024


Songwriting: A Calling, Not Just a Career

For many people, songwriting is more than just a job or a means to earn a living. It’s a deeply personal craft, often driven by emotions, experiences, and an innate need to create.  While some pursue songwriting professionally, shaping it into a structured career, others view it as a calling, a vocation that feels as […]


Reduce Your Idea Clutter 3 Strategies to Organize Song Ideas Efficiently

Struggling with scattered song ideas? Discover 3 efficient strategies to organize, manage, and use your songwriting inspiration effectively. The article focuses on helping songwriters organize their creative ideas effectively to prevent clutter and maximize productivity. It introduces three core strategies to streamline and maintain an efficient songwriting system: These practices transform scattered ideas into actionable […]


Unlock Creativity with 7 Sensory Words to Use in Your Lyrics

Learn how to use 7 sensory words to make your song lyrics more vivid and immersive. Step-by-step tips with examples from famous songs. This article from Speed Songwriting explores how using sensory-rich language can transform your lyrics into a vivid, emotional experience. It introduces seven sensory categories—tactile (touch), olfactory (smell), visual (sight), auditory (sound), gustatory […]


The Biggest Issues Facing Songwriters and Artists in the Music Industry – Nov 2024

Thank you to all the songwriters and artists who participated in our first public survey. Our intention was to better understand what lights you up as a creator, what supports you to thrive and what your biggest challenges are… The article highlights critical challenges that artists and songwriters face in today’s music industry. Here are […]


The ‘Zig When They Zag’ Technique: 1 Trick for Standing Out with Song Titles

Learn the “Zig When They Zag” technique to create unique song titles that break from the norm. Step-by-step tips for songwriters looking to make an impact. The article, written by Graham English on Speed Songwriting, introduces the “Zig When They Zag” technique to help songwriters craft distinctive song titles that break from mainstream trends. This […]


Lyrics First, Music First, Or Both? Crafting Songs With Confidence

Songwriting is an art form full of choices, and one of the first decisions every songwriter faces is where to begin: with lyrics, with music, or perhaps with both at the same time. This choice often shapes the creative journey of each song and impacts how the final piece sounds and feels. Starting with lyrics […]

Photo by Julia Filirovska on Pexels

Why Songwriters Do What They Do: The Motives Behind The Music

Songs are woven into the fabric of our lives, marking moments big and small. They echo through wedding dances, comfort us through heartbreak, and lift us up when we’re celebrating. Yet, behind each song we hold dear is a songwriter—a person who chose to capture something real or imagined and shape it into music. But […]