Songwriting Process

black and white striped illustration

Harnessing The Inner Critic: A Songwriter’s Guide

The inner critic is an inevitable part of the human psyche. Often, it’s seen as a hindrance, a voice that fosters doubt and insecurity. However, in the songwriting process, this inner critic can be transformed into a powerful tool for growth and creativity. Here’s how you can turn that critical voice into an ally. 1. […]

songwriting ideas

Where Do Songwriting Ideas Come From?

Songwriting ideas can come from a vast array of sources, often sparked by a moment of inspiration or a deeper exploration of personal experiences. Here are some key places where songwriting ideas commonly originate: 1. Personal Experiences 2. Other Art Forms 3. Nature 4. Relationships and Connections 5. Dreams and Imagination 6. Music and Other […]

songwriting inspiration

12 Ways To Create And Maintain The Flow Of Songwriting Inspiration.

Keeping the flow of inspiration going as a songwriter can be a challenge, but there are several strategies you can employ to keep your creative juices flowing for as long as possible. Here are some tips that might help: 1. Routine and Discipline Establishing a routine can create a conducive environment for creativity. Set aside […]

woman in black sunglasses and white shirt

To Plan Or Not To Plan (Your Song). That Is The Question

When it comes to songwriting, whether you should plan the story of your song before you write it or not plan and make it up as you go along largely depends on your personal style and creative process. Each approach has its own advantages and can lead to compelling results. Let’s explore both methods: Planning […]

songwriting flow

What Is Flow for Writers and How Can You Find It? – DAILY WRITING TIPS

Imagine sitting down to write, and suddenly everything clicks. The words just effortlessly spill from your fingertips onto the page. Time flies, and you’re completely immersed in your work. This amazing, coveted, magical state is known as ‘flow.’ This article was specifically written with authors in mind however, we songwriters can certainly take a leaf […]

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash

Quantity Over Quality: Why Being Prolific is the Key to Writing Great Songs – Speed Songwriting

Writing more songs makes you a better songwriter, period. Here’s why embracing a prolific approach to songwriting can significantly enhance your craft. The article by Graham English on Speed Songwriting emphasizes that writing more songs can significantly improve songwriting skills. The key points include: Thought-Provoking Questions: Source: Quantity Over Quality: Why Being Prolific is the […]

Photo by Gia Oris on Unsplash

The Craft of Songwriting: Finding Your Starting Point

Songwriting is an art form, a way of living life and a personal journey into the heart of expression through music. Every songwriter, whether novice or seasoned, finds themselves standing before a blank canvas, ready to channel thoughts, emotions, and stories into melodies and lyrics. But… how does one start writing a song? How does […]

how to write songs faster

How to Write Songs Faster: 7 Tips for Better Writing

To help cut down on the time it takes to finish a song, here are 7 quick tips you can use to speed up your writing process. In the realm of songwriting, the journey from conception to completion can often feel like navigating through a maze of creativity and frustration. Drew Swisher, in his insightful […]

Let's Get Things Started

The 5 Best Ways To Start A Song According To Andrew Huang

The video below titled “The 5 best ways to start a song” by Andrew Huang offers a comprehensive guide on various techniques to kickstart the songwriting process. Andrew Huang, a versatile musician known for his creative approach to music production, shares his insights and methods to inspire songwriters and producers. Here’s a detailed summary of […]

The amount of times I have tried to find a decent photo of a blank sketch book is too many. So I decided to create a few, starting with this one.

Attention Songwriters: The Blank Piece Of Paper Is Your Friend

Every time we sit down to write a song we start off with a blank piece of paper. It waits patiently for us to pick up our pen and pour our songwriting ideas from our hearts and minds onto its surface. However, a blank piece of paper can be one of two things to a songwriter: […]