Why not?

Why Do We Write Songs: 20 Motivations That Drive Songwriting

Let me ask you a question… Have you ever listened to a song and wonder what led the artist to write it? Each piece of music we hear, whether it makes us want to dance or it brings tears to our eyes, contains a mix of emotions and stories. But what exactly prompts someone to […]

Songwriting 101 - The Chorus

Songwriting 101 – The Chorus

Songwriting 101 is a series of posts about song formatting and structure. Every couple of days, I’ll be writing about the different individual elements that make up a song. Please bear in mind that these are my definitions and interpretations of the different parts of a song structure. There are no hard and fast rules […]

scrabble, scrabble pieces, lettering, letters, white background, wood, scrabble tiles, wood, words, 
done is better than perfect, perfectionism, get it done, complete, finish, rough and ready,

How To Free Yourself From Perfectionism: The Songwriter’s Curse.

In the craft of songwriting, perfectionism is a double-edged sword. It can motivate songwriters, pushing them to polish their songs and reach for high-quality output. But there’s a dark side. When perfectionism runs wild, it can stall creativity, leading to self-criticism and the setting of impossible standards and at the end of the day, this […]

brown dried leaves on sand

The Songwriter’s Mindset: 20 Qualities That Fuel Musical Creativity

Every song is a universe of emotion, story and melody compacted into a few minutes of sound. It can be a powerful means of communication, capable of stirring our hearts and souls like nothing else. Yet, the process of creating these musical universes isn’t just about innate talent; it’s about cultivating a certain mindset, a […]

Writing with a fountain pen

5 Things That Songwriters Can Learn From Authors (And Vice Versa)

What can songwriters learn from authors, and vice versa? The idea of learning across different creative mediums isn’t new but the beauty of creation resides not just in one’s particular artistic sphere, but in the ability to draw insights from diverse disciplines. As songwriters, we need to realise that the art of storytelling isn’t confined […]

white concrete pillar during daytime

The Five Pillars Of The Songwriting Process

NB: Republished with permission from Corey Stewart Online A process is defined as “… a series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular goal.” As for a songwriting process, that goal is of course the completion of a song from start to finish. Songs are what makes this music industry go round and the […]

gray metal gear lot

The BIG List Of Songwriting Prompts, Lyric Generators And AI Tools

One of the major barriers in songwriting is coming up with the initial songwriting idea or a coherent song concept at the very beginning of the songwriting process. Sometimes a song can come from thin air and basically write itself and sometimes a songwriting session can be more painful than passing kidney stones. It all […]

mind mapping, throughts, woman

Unleashing Creativity: The Art of Using Mind Maps for Songwriting

Every songwriter has their toolkit, that collection of strategies and techniques they rely on to transform raw emotion and abstract ideas into a powerful musical narrative. Today, I want to introduce you to an ingenious tool that has revolutionised my songwriting process: The Mind Map. You might be wondering, “Why am I, a songwriter, interested […]

Black pen on white paper

12 Ways To Greatly Enhance Your Songwriting Process

I realised a long time ago that when it comes to the songwriting process there’s no such thing as the perfect way of writing songs, it can always be improved upon. Listed below are twelve ways in which I think you can enhance, improve and eventually master your songwriting process. Even if you implement just […]

“Together, we create!” on brick wall

Why You Should Consider Collaborating With Other Songwriters

Here’s a songwriting tip for you all… Sometimes, two (or more) heads are better than one when writing a song. This is because songwriting doesn’t have to be something that you have to do by yourself. Some of the greatest songs ever were written by two or more people. Examples of these great songwriting teams are: […]