
100 Songwriting Prompts to get you in the Zone

Whether you see this task as purely for fun, or something to genuinely help you escape your songwriting hiatus and build a lasting, enjoyable habit – here are 100 songwriting prompts and song ideas to play around with. The article from Stereo Stickman titled “100 Songwriting Prompts to get you in the Zone” by Rebecca […]

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Finding Time To Write Songs Even When Life Gets In The Way

John Lennon said it best when he sang… “Life is what happens to you when you’re busy making other plans” Therefore in life, where the melodies of family and work often dominate, finding a quiet moment to compose our own music can seem like a distant dream. For the passionate songwriter, these moments are not […]


How to Write More Instinctually According To Andrea Stolpe

I believe that every problem we feel occurring within our songs can be attributed to three principles of songwriting. Just three. When we use these principles, we can identify possible solutions for these problems based on their underlying principal. Let me explain. In the insightful article “How to Write More Instinctually” by Andrea Stolpe, readers […]

songwriters block

11 Songwriting Tips to Overcome Writer’s Block

What do you do when you hit a wall when you’re writing a song? Here are tips from experienced songwriters to help you overcome writer’s block. The article from Disc Makers Blog, titled “11 Songwriting Tips to Overcome Writer’s Block,” offers practical advice for songwriters struggling with creative blockages. Authored by Michael Gallant, it emphasizes […]


Popular Themes for Songs for Your Songwriting | Disc Makers

If you are stuck on music production or experiencing songwriter’s block, one way of breaking through can be to work backwards by starting from a theme and crafting a song from the outside in. Here are some insights into popular themes for songs to help get your creative juices flowing. In the article “Popular Themes […]


Here’s An Easy Way to Make Sure Your Lyrics Are Working the Way They’re Supposed To

Every time you write a song, you’re communicating something to your audience. When we think of that word communicating, we automatically think of lyrics, because communication and words go hand in hand. The blog article titled “Here’s An Easy Way to Make Sure Your Lyrics Are Working the Way They’re Supposed To” from The Essential Secrets of […]


3 Principles of Songwriting — Andrea Stolpe

Lately I’ve been binge-watching songwriting videos on YouTube. With so many time-tested tools, tips, and expert advice, our best songs should be one chord-tone away. In the article “3 Principles of Songwriting” by Andrea Stolpe, the author shares her insights and reflections on the craft of songwriting, drawing from her extensive experience as a writer […]


How to Find Music Inspiration for Your Next Song

If you’re lucky, musical inspiration strikes at the perfect time, and the next thing you know, you’ve written your next great song. Sometimes, though, the act of creating music takes a lot more work. In the article “How to Find Music Inspiration for Your Next Song” by Philip Kinsher on the Disc Makers Blog, readers […]


101 Songwriting Prompts: Quick Ideas for Writing Songs!

Let’s face it: songwriting is HARD sometimes. So if you need some quick ideas to break out of a rut or find inspiration, you’re in luck! Sometimes the muse hides in the shadows, leaving creatives yearning for a spark. “Improve Songwriting” offers a lighthouse in the form of “101 Songwriting Prompts: Quick Ideas for Writing […]


7 Songwriting Rules and When to Break Them – Flypaper

Like any creative process, songwriting has a set of guidelines that will help you ensure that your songs are on par with what listeners expect from music these days. The article from Flypaper, titled “7 Songwriting Rules and When to Break Them,” serves as a beacon for both novice and seasoned songwriters, illuminating the path […]