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“We wrote it in about five minutes”: Interrogating the myth of the quickly-written hit song | MusicRadar

Claims that masterpieces have been written in minutes abound, and many (upon further inspection) are revealed to be not as cut and dried as their writers claim. The article from MusicRadar, titled “We wrote it in about five minutes”: Interrogating the myth of the quickly-written hit song, authored by Andy Price, delves into the popular […]

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The Roles Of Different Song Sections (Plus Examples)

I found the perfect accompanying article for my recent 6-Part Series On Song Formatting that I wanted to share with you all. It was written by Benjamin Samama (a former teacher from the Berklee College of Music) for the very popular SonicBids blog and the article is called “Songwriting 101: What’s The Purpose Of All The Different Song Sections?” I found this article […]


13 Myths About Music Theory – The Hooktheory Blog

If you’ve heard that music theory is only for geniuses or that it stifles creativity, you’re not alone. These myths can be off-putting and discourage many songwriters and producers from diving deeper into music theory. It’s time to set the record straight. The article from Hooktheory’s blog, titled “Music Theory Myths,” addresses common misconceptions about […]


Increase Your Sync Licensing Opportunities |

Sync licensing is the great equalizer. If your music fits the scene, it doesn’t matter how old you are, where you live, or how you look. It’s all about the music. The article “Increase Your Sync Licensing” by Jason Blume on provides valuable insights for songwriters looking to enhance their opportunities in sync licensing, […]

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10 Ways Of Discovering Inspiring Titles For Your Songs

As songwriters, we often find ourselves in search of that perfect phrase, that one line that not only encapsulates the essence of our songs but also resonates with the listener, beckoning them into the narrative we’ve woven.  Finding inspiration for song titles can sometimes feel like a quest for hidden treasure — elusive, yet immensely […]

studio, songwriting, music

Master the Art of Songwriting in Chunks: Unlock Your Creative Potential – Speed Songwriting

Enter the concept of songwriting in chunks, a revolutionary approach that breaks down the intimidating process into bite-sized, creative pieces. This technique isn’t just a method. It’s a journey toward unlocking your untapped creative potential. The article from Speed Songwriting, titled “Master the Art of Songwriting in Chunks: Unlock Your Creative Potential,” offers a comprehensive […]


SMARTER Songwriting Goals For Songwriters

If you want to improve in any area, whether professionally or personally, goal setting is vital. Goals serve as maps to guide us to our destination, and without them there’s no way to know if we’re even headed in the right direction. The blog article titled “SMARTER Goals For Songwriters” on Indie on the Move, […]

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30 Ways To Overcome (Song) Writers Block

If you know where to look there’s literally tons of great songwriting tips, songwriting articles and general songwriting advice online. One such example of this comes in the form of an article I found recently titled 30 Songwriting Tips To Overcome Writer’s Block by Sam Wilson from The Pro Audio Files website. As the title suggests, the article lists 30 ways […]


How to Avoid Clichés in Writing Christmas Songs

Avoiding clichés in writing Christmas songs can be a challenge, as many of the traditional themes and imagery associated with the holiday have been used countless times before. However, with some effort and creativity, it is possible to create a fresh and original Christmas song that avoids the most common clichés. The blog post from […]

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Topics to Write About — 15 Tips to Get Great Writing Ideas

As writers, we suffer from a split personality. On one side is the Creator who wants to splash wild ideas all over the page and falls in love with every sentence, and on the other side is the Editor who sits there with pursed lips and ticks off the mistakes. It’s really important to keep […]