Street art, using the word create.

How to Write a Song: 10 Tips to Boost Your Creativity

Writing a song is a journey that combines creativity, emotion, and technical skill. Whether you’re a novice or an experienced songwriter, these ten tips from Ditto Music can help spark your creativity and guide you through the process. The main points of the article are as follows… Successful songwriting is a blend of structured techniques […]

Photo by Gia Oris on Unsplash

The Craft of Songwriting: Finding Your Starting Point

Songwriting is an art form, a way of living life and a personal journey into the heart of expression through music. Every songwriter, whether novice or seasoned, finds themselves standing before a blank canvas, ready to channel thoughts, emotions, and stories into melodies and lyrics. But… how does one start writing a song? How does […]


Top 6 Tips for Setting up a Home Recording Studio on a Budget

The recording industry has seen a dramatic transformation over the years. In the past, owning a high-quality recording studio was indeed essential for producing top-tier recordings. The blog article titled “Top 6 Tips for Setting up a Home Recording Studio on a Budget” by Scott Ashley offers valuable advice for aspiring musicians looking to create […]


The 10 Ways To Market Your Back Catalogue

Most musicians move on too soon. They put all their creative focus on the next release. Or they only promote their latest work, neglecting all the songs that came before. This blog post emphasizes the importance of marketing an artist’s back catalogue of music, highlighting that older music should not be neglected even as new […]


Everything You Need To Know About Split Sheets – Symphonic Blog

Odds are you don’t write every song completely on your own. You’ve got co-writers, producers, and other creatives who have contributed to the creation of your finished song. The blog article from Symphonic titled “Everything You Need To Know About Split Sheets” discusses the importance and specifics of using split sheets in the music industry. […]

Fountain pen on stationery

5 Practical Tips For Beginner Songwriters To Embrace – How To Write Songs

Over the years, a common question we’ve been asked by budding songwriters is “What are some of your top tips for beginners?”. In this article, we aim to answer that question with 5 practical, and actionable tips that we wish we knew when we started out. The article titled “5 Practical Tips For Beginner Songwriters […]


5 Tips to Make Time for Your Music | The Weekly

We all have responsibilities and demands on our time and energy. To avoid getting derailed from my goal, I need to prioritize and be clear that I am choosing the order of tasks on my to-do list, as opposed to simply attending to the next thing that pops up. The article addresses the common challenge […]


Make Music for Yourself for a Change

Feeling lost in the hustle? Remember to make music just for yourself once in a while. The article “Make Music for Yourself for a Change” from Flypaper, authored by Ian Temple, delves into the importance of musicians creating music for their own personal fulfilment rather than solely for public acclaim or commercial success. It stresses […]


Tip Jar: Getting Started With Production Music Libraries – Music Connection Magazine

A lot of productions these days are forgoing hiring a composer and relying instead on finding music for their projects using what’s known as a production music library. Here is a detailed summary of the article “Tip Jar: Getting Started With Production Music Libraries” from Music Connection Magazine: Production music libraries are databases of pre-written […]

Recording Space

Exploring Common Chord Progressions: A Beginner’s Guide – Song Chops

A progression is basically the chord series or the chords you choose to use and their order. If you’re just starting out, using some common chord progressions as your starting point can help get you past the blank page. The article from Song Chops, titled “Exploring Common Chord Progressions: A Beginner’s Guide,” dives into the […]