January 15, 2024


Don’t Think Genre, Think Personality — Andrea Stolpe

I remember a simpler time, when it was easy to identify the genre of the song streaming through my iPod. When a friend said they liked pop, I knew that meant Madonna and Michael Jackson. Classic rock meant Steve Miller Band or the Cars. In my small world, taste was polarized and listeners less likely […]

Super Bowl LI - New England Patriots v Atlanta Falcons

“We wrote it in about five minutes”: Interrogating the myth of the quickly-written hit song | MusicRadar

Claims that masterpieces have been written in minutes abound, and many (upon further inspection) are revealed to be not as cut and dried as their writers claim. The article from MusicRadar, titled “We wrote it in about five minutes”: Interrogating the myth of the quickly-written hit song, authored by Andy Price, delves into the popular […]